Grandpa Duffy Maze Game
About the Game
Help Grandpa Duffy get his canola seeds through the crushing plant!
Help Grandpa Duffy get his canola seeds through the crushing plant!
For the student to have the first straight or diagonal row filled in on their gameboards.
Number of players: 2
View the Alberta math curriculum connections here.
Game can be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 29)
Find the number of items in each section of the field to guide your colour-by-number art creation!
To display how well you know your addition and multiplication facts to help Grandpa Duffy determine the best canola yield possible!
Numbers of players: smaller groups to whole class
View the Alberta math curriculum connections here.
Game can be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 45)
Build up the largest amount of total surface area first on the grid paper.
Number of players: 2
View the Alberta math curriculum connections here.
Game can be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 47)
Class of students, and one big area where students can run.
To eventually tag all students and have all students in the middle with the “It” person.
Game can be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 18)
This game is similar to the card game, war. The winner wants to have the largest pile of cards by the end of the game.
Number of players: 2-3
View the Alberta math curriculum connections here.
Game can be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 46)
A homemade deck of cards numbered 1-100. Based on total number of students, split the numbers up and give each student an assigned set of numbers to cut out and write out so that in the end there are 100 individual cards each labelled with one number from 1-100. The cards need to be the same size and the numbers need to big enough to see from a distance. All students provide their cards to the teacher.
Not to be the last person remaining in your seat!
Number of players: Single-player or up to a large class of students.
To earn the highest number of points by estimating and measuring the actual length of objects in the classroom with your teammate.
View the Alberta math curriculum connections here.
Game can be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 41)
To be the last player remaining in the game, and collect four fraction cards that equivalent but do not have to be same to obtain a spoon (e.g., ½ = 4/8 but is not the exact same fraction). Players get closer to being eliminated each time they are left without a spoon, which earns them the next letter in the word C-A-K-E. Once a player has earned all 4 letters in the word C-A-K-E, they are eliminated for that round and can cheer on their teammates.
Number of players: 3-6 players
View the Alberta math curriculum connections here.
Game can be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 45)
In Elimination, you will pretend you are a canola farmer trying to get rid of the bad insects harming your canola plant.
Materials Needed to Play:
Objective of the game: To cover up 5 numbers to form a row first on your gameboard.
Number of players: 2
View the Alberta math curriculum connections here.
Game can be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 34)
Game can be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 40)