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Chase’s Crazy Canola Crafts and Science Experiments

Upside Down PLOP!


  • Tap water
  • Salt from a salt shaker
  • Canola oil
  • Narrow jar (size of jar is optional)
  • Food colouring (your choice of colour)
  • Funnel [optional]

This activity can also be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 38)

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Fizzy Chaos

Amelia and Chase are curious and would like you to help them find out what might happen when vinegar and baking soda are mixed together. This activity will leave you with a fizzy-good-time.

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Chase’s Crazy Canola Crafts and Science Experiments

Stained Glass


  • 1 piece of white paper (any shape or size)
  • Pencil crayons
  • Paper towels
  • Paintbrush
  • Canola oil
  • Newspaper or garbage bag to protect your surface from paint

This activity can also be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 54)

Related Educational Resources


Grades k-9English Language Arts, Health, Science, Social Studies, FoodsEnglish

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Chase’s Crazy Canola Crafts and Science Experiments

Show What You Know!


  • A blank piece of paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Markers
  • Tape
  • Crayons or pencil crayons
  • Various recycled items you can use to make your canola plant and beneficial insect (e.g., muffin liner, straw that can be coloured for a stem, yarn, or whatever else that can be used to create the plant].

This activity can also be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 39)

Related Educational Resources

Stained Glass

A canola plant journeys through many steps before it becomes canola oil! Make a picture of your favourite processing stage, or of your favourite item that is produced from canola and be sure to hang it in the window.

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Chase’s Crazy Canola Crafts and Science Experiments

Light It UP!!!


  • 1 sandwich sized sealable sandwich bag
  • ½ cup water (125 mL)
  • Food colouring of your choice
  • 1½ cups canola oil (375 mL)
  • Effervescent antacid tablet (or any similar antacid tablet that contains 1000 mg citric acid and 1916 mg sodium bicarbonate)
  • Highlighter (optional-to make the bubbles glow)
  • Paper towel (optional)
  • Black light (optional)

This activity can also be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 37)

Related Educational Resources

Juicy Gel Squish!

When Chase eats certain candies, he notices some look a lot different than how they actually feel. Have you ever experienced this before? Try making these tasty agar juicy gel bubbles!

Stand Up, Sit Down

Dairy cows produce an average of 30 litres of milk per day! When fed a diet that includes canola meal, they produce an extra litre of milk per day. That all adds up! Let’s see your superpower multiplication and addition skills shine!

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Chase’s Crazy Canola Crafts and Science Experiments!

Juicy Gel Squish!


  • 1½ cups canola oil (375mL)
  • Tall glass container
  • 1 cup colourful fruit juice or sports drink (250 mL)
  • 1 tsp agar powder (5 mL)
  • 2 cup (500 mL) liquid measuring cup  or glass beaker
  • 1 pipette or eye dropper
  • Optional: larger pipette or turkey baster will allow for bigger drops
  • 1 colander or fine mesh strainer

Activity can also be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 28)

Related Educational Resources

Ultimate Brain-Build-A-Thon Challenge!

challenge yourself to see what you can design and build!
You will have to make one to two batches of sugar cookies and an icing of your choice. You will then use the cookies and icing somehow in all of your designs.

Have a great activity idea we should know about?

Chase’s Crazy Canola Science Experiment

Ultimate Brain-Build-A-Thon Challenge!

About this Experiment

Simple materials and designs are sometimes the best building supplies and techniques for various projects.

In this next set of activities, challenge yourself to see what you can design and build!

You will have to make one to two batches of sugar cookies and an icing of your choice. You will then use the cookies and icing somehow in all of your designs.


Ingredients for Sugar Cookies:

  • ²/³ cup sugar (150 mL)
  • ½ cup canola oil (125 mL)
  • 2 tsp vanilla (10 mL)
  • 2 eggs (2)
  • 2½ cups flour (625 mL)
  • 2 tsp baking powder (10 mL)
  • ½ tsp salt (2 mL)
  • 1-3 Tbsp (45 mL) of milk (optional)

Other Materials for Build-A-Thon Challenge:

  • Bag of mini marshmallows
  • 20 toothpicks
  • 1 toy car
  • 1 sheet of legal paper (8.5 x 11 inches)
  • 1 paper clip
  • 1 hardboiled egg
  • Assorted washed and sanitized coins
  • Scissors
  • 2-3 metres of tape (masking tape or scotch tape would be fine)
  • 30 cm ruler
  • Icing of your choice that hardens

This experiment can also be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 55)

Related Educational Resources

Berry Playdough

Did you know, you can create something magical with berries you may find on a nature walk? Check out this canola infused berry craft.

Have a great activity idea we should know about?

Chase’s Crazy Canola Crafts and Science Experiments!

Fizzy Chaos


  • Medium – large sized mixing bowl
  • 1 cup flour (250 mL)
  • 1 cup baking soda (250 mL)
  • ¼ cup canola oil (60 mL)
  • Food colouring – oil based, or 1 tsp of non-water based, powdered food colouring
  • Vinegar
  • Spray bottle
  • Spoon
  • Whisk (optional)
  • Moulds or cookie cutters (optional)

Activity can be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 26)

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Pizza Dough

Pizza How to Video: Pizza Make your own pizza from scratch with a little help from canola! Related Educational Resources

Have a great activity idea we should know about?

Chase’s Crazy Canola Crafts and Science Experiments!

Berry Playdough!


  • 2 cups plain flour (500 mL)
  • 1 cup salt (250 mL)
  • 2 tbsp cream of tartar (30 mL)
  • 2 tbsp canola oil (30 mL)
  • 1½ cup berry dye (375 mL)
  • Approximately 2500 g of frozen berries or about 3-4 cups of fresh berries for berry dye
  • ½ cup water (125 mL)
  • Fairy stones (stones from outdoors)
  • Googly eyes
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Sparkles
  • Large pot

Activity can be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 27)

Related Educational Resources

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Chase’s Crazy Canola Crafts

Yellow Blooms (and Mixed Medium Painting)


  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Eraser
  • Old mixing containers for paint and water (2-5 depending on how many colours you make)
  • Enough paintbrushes for all of the colors you choose to use
  • Material to protect painting surface (e.g., old newspapers or garbage bags)
  • Cut out of canola flower on page 21
  • Permanent dark coloured marker
  • Additional canola flower decorations you might like to use
  • 6 various unwrapped wax crayons of any colour and brand you want to use (Note: Bright colors will work best)
  • ½ cup (125 mL) of canola oil
  • Muffin pan
  • Cupcake paper liners
  • Toothpicks or stir sticks for mixing
  • Optional: 4 tsp of glitter of your choice (20 mL)

Activity can be found in It All Begins With The Seed (pg. 20 – 22)

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