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Grade 1 Learning Objectives for “Transpiration”

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English Language Arts

General Learning Objective

1. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

Specific Learning Objectives

1.1 Discover and explore

Express ideas and develop understanding

  • Share personal experiences that are clearly related to oral, print and other media texts
  • Talk with others about something recently learned
  • Make observations about activities, experiences with oral, print and other media texts

Experiment with language and forms

  • Experiment with different ways of exploring and developing stories, ideas and experiences

1.2 Clarify and Extend

Consider the ideas of others

  • Listen and respond appropriately to experiences and feelings shared by others

Extend understanding

  • Ask questions to get additional ideas and information on topics of interest

General Learning Objective

2. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.

Specific Learning Objectives

2.1 Use Strategies and Cues

Use prior knowledge

  • Use knowledge of how oral language is used in a variety of contexts to construct and confirm meaning
  • Use previous experience and knowledge of oral language to make connections to the meaning of oral, print and other media texts
  • Use knowledge of context, pictures, letters, words, sentences, predictable patterns and rhymes in a variety of oral, print and other media texts to construct and confirm meaning
  • Use knowledge of print, pictures, book covers and title pages to construct and confirm meaning

Use comprehension strategies

  • Talk about print or other media texts previously read or viewed
  • Identify the main idea or topic of simple narrative and expository texts Use textual cues
  • Preview book cover, pictures and location of text to assist with constructing and confirming meaning

2.2 Respond to Text

Experience various texts

  • Participate in shared listening, reading and viewing experiences, using oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and genres, such as poems, storytelling by elders, pattern books, audiotapes, stories and cartoons

Construct meaning from texts

  • Relate aspects of stories and characters to personal feelings and experiences
  • Retell interesting or important aspects of oral, print and other media texts
  • Tell or represent the beginning, middle and end of stories
  • Tell, represent or write about experiences similar or related to those in oral, print and other media texts
  • Tell what was liked or disliked about oral, print and other media texts

2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques

Understand forms and genres

  • Distinguish differences in the ways various oral, print and other media texts are organized

Understand techniques and elements

  • Tell what characters do or what happens to them in a variety of oral, print and other media texts

General Learning Objective

3. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.

Specific Learning Objectives

3.1 Plan and Focus

Focus attention

  • Explore and share own ideas on topics of discussion and study
  • Connect information from oral, print and other media texts to topics of study

3.2 Select and Process

Access information

  • Use text features, such as illustrations, titles and opening shots in video programs, to access information
  • Use questions to find specific information in oral, print and other media texts

3.3 Organize, Record and Evaluate

Evaluate information

  • Recognize and use gathered information to communicate new learning

3.4 Share and Review

Share ideas and information

  • Share ideas and information from oral, print and other media texts with familiar audiences
  • Answer questions directly related to texts

General Learning Objective

4. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to enhance the clarity and artistry of communication.

Specific Learning Objectives

4.3 Present and Share

Demonstrate attentive listening and viewing

  • Ask questions to clarify information
  • Be attentive and show interest during listening or viewing activities


Topic: Personal Health

General Learning Objective

Wellness Choices
Students will make responsible and informed choices to maintain health and to promote safety for self and others.

Specific Learning Objectives


  • Recognize the importance of basic, healthy, nutritional choices to well-being of self; e.g., variety of food, drinking water, eating a nutritious breakfast


General Learning Objective

1–1 Bring focus to investigative activities, based on their own questions and those of others.

Specific Learning Objectives


  • Ask questions that lead to exploration and investigation
  • Predict what they think will happen or what they might find

Reflect and Interpret

  • Describe what was observed, using pictures and oral language
  • Identify questions being investigated and identify what was learned about each question
  • Identify new questions that arise from what was learned.

General Learning Objective

1–4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.

Specific Learning Objectives

Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:

  • Curiosity
  • Confidence in personal ability to explore materials and learn by direct study
  • A willingness to work with others and to consider their ideas
  • Respect for living things and environments, and commitment for their care.

Topic B: Seasonal Changes

General Learning Objective

1–6 Describe seasonal changes, and interpret the effects of seasonal changes on living things.

Specific Learning Objectives

1. Describe the regular and predictable cycle of seasonal changes:

  • Changes in sunlight
  • Changes in weather

Topic D: Senses

General Learning Objective

1–9 Use the senses to make general and specific observations, and communicate observations orally and by producing captioned pictures

Specific Learning Objectives

1. Identify each of the senses, and explain how we use our senses in interpreting the world.

2. Identify ways that our senses contribute to our safety and quality of life.

3. Apply particular senses to identify and describe objects or materials provided and to describe living things and environments. Students meeting this expectation will be able to describe characteristics, such as colour, shape, size, texture, smell and sound.

4. Recognize the limitations of our senses, and identify situations where our senses can mislead us; e.g., feeling hot or cold, optical illusions, tasting with a plugged nose.

5. Recognize that other living things have senses, and identify ways that various animals use their senses; e.g., sensing danger, finding food, recognizing their own young, recognizing a potential mate.

Topic D: Senses

General Learning Objective

1–10 Describe the role of the human senses and the senses of other living things, in enabling perception and action.

Specific Learning Objectives

1. Identify each of the senses, and explain how we use our senses in interpreting the world.

2. Identify ways that our senses contribute to our safety and quality of life.

3. Apply particular senses to identify and describe objects or materials provided and to describe living things and environments. Students meeting this expectation will be able to describe characteristics, such as colour, shape, size, texture, smell and sound.

4. Recognize the limitations of our senses, and identify situations where our senses can mislead us; e.g., feeling hot or cold, optical illusions, tasting with a plugged nose.

5. Recognize that other living things have senses, and identify ways that various animals use their senses; e.g., sensing danger, finding food, recognizing their own young, recognizing a potential mate.

Topic E: Needs of Animals and Plants

General Learning Objective

1–11 Describe some common living things, and identify needs of those living things.

Specific Learning Objectives

1. Observe, describe and compare living things.

2. Contrast living and nonliving things.

3. Identify ways in which living things are valued; e.g., as part of a community of living things; as sources of food, clothing or shelter

6. Identify the requirements of animals to maintain life; i.e., air, food, water, shelter, space; and recognize that we must provide these for animals in our care.

7. Identify the requirements of plants to maintain life; i.e., air, light, suitable temperature, water, growing medium, space; and recognize that we must provide these for plants in our care

9. Recognize that some plants and animals must adapt to extreme conditions to meet their basic needs; e.g., arctic and desert plants and animals.