Grade 5 Learning Objectives for “Gotta Jet”
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English Language Arts
General Learning Objective
1. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.
Specific Learning Objectives
1.1 Discover and Explore
Express ideas and develop understanding
- Use appropriate prior knowledge and experiences to make sense of new ideas and information
- Read, write, represent and talk to explore personal understandings of new ideas and information
1.2 Clarify and Extend
Combine ideas
- Use talk, notes, personal writing and representing to explore relationships among own ideas and experiences, those of others and those encountered in oral, print and other media texts
General Learning Objective
2. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts.
Specific Learning Objectives
2.1 Use Strategies and Cues
Use comprehension strategies
- Comprehend new ideas and information by responding personally, taking notes and discussing ideas with others
- Use the meanings of familiar words to predict the meanings of unfamiliar words in context
- Monitor understanding by comparing personal knowledge and experiences with information on the same topic from a variety of sources
Use textual cues
- Use text features, such as maps, diagrams, special fonts and graphics, that highlight important concepts to enhance understanding of ideas and information
Use phonics and structural analysis
- Identify and know by sight the meaning of high frequency prefixes and suffixes to read unfamiliar, multisyllable words in context
- Integrate knowledge of phonics, sight vocabulary and structural analysis with knowledge of language and context clues to read unfamiliar words in context
2.2. Respond to Texts
Experience various texts
- Express points of view about oral, print and other media texts
- Describe and discuss new places, times, characters and events encountered in oral, print and other media texts
- Write or represent the meaning of texts in different forms
Construct meaning from texts
- Compare characters and situations portrayed in oral, print and other media texts to those encountered in the classroom and community
- Describe characters’ qualities based on what they say and do and how they are described in oral, print and other media texts
- Describe and discuss the influence of setting on the characters and events
- Support own interpretations of oral, print and other media texts, using evidence from personal experiences and the texts
- Retell or represent stories from the points of view of different characters
2.3 Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques
Understand forms and genres
- Identify and discuss similarities and differences among a variety of forms of oral, print and other media texts
Understand techniques and elements
- Identify the main problem or conflict in oral, print and other media texts, and explain how it is resolved
- Identify and discuss the main character’s point of view and motivation
- Identify sections or elements in print or other media texts, such as shots in films or sections in magazines
2.4 Create Original Text
Generate ideas
- Use texts from listening, reading and viewing experiences as models for producing own oral, print and other media texts
Elaborate on the expression of ideas
- Experiment with modeled forms of oral, print and other media texts to suit particular audiences and purposes
Structure texts
- Use structures encountered in texts to organize and present ideas in own oral, print and other media texts
General Learning Objective
3. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to manage ideas and information.
Specific Learning Objectives
3.1 Plan and Focus
Focus attention
- Summarize important ideas in oral, print and other media texts and express opinions about them
General Learning Objective
5. Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect, support and collaborate with others.
Specific Learning Objectives
5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community
Appreciate diversity
- Compare own and others’ responses to ideas and experiences related to oral, print and other media texts
Relate texts to culture
Topic: Learning Strategies
General Learning Objective
Life Learning Choices
Students will use resources effectively to manage and explore life roles and career opportunities and challenges
Specific Learning Objectives
- Affirm personal skill development; e.g., identify and analyze changes in personal interests, strengths and skills
- Analyze factors that affect the planning and attaining of goals; e.g., personal commitment, habits
Topic: Life Roles and Career Development
General Learning Objective
Life Learning Choices
Students will use resources effectively to manage and explore life roles and career opportunities and challenges
Specific Learning Objectives
- Relate personal skills to various occupations
- Assess how roles, expectations and images of others may influence career/life role interests; e.g., influence of family, friends, role models, media
General Learning Objective
5–3 Design and carry out an investigation of a practical problem, and develop a possible solution.
Specific Learning Objectives
Identify problems to be solved and the purpose(s) of the problem-solving activity:
- What problem(s) are we trying to solve? What conditions must be met? What controls are required? How will we know that we have done what we set out to do?
Explore and Investigate
- Identify one or more possible approaches to solving the problem and plan, with guidance, a set of steps to follow
- Select appropriate materials and identify how they will be used
- Attempt a variety of strategies and modify procedures, as needed (troubleshoot problems)
- Work individually or cooperatively in planning and carrying out procedures
- Identify sources of information and ideas and access information and ideas from those sources. Sources may include library, classroom, community and computer-based resources
Reflect and Interpret
- Communicate with group members to share and evaluate ideas, and assess progress
- Evaluate the procedures used to solve the problem and identify possible improvements
- Evaluate a design or product, based on a given set of questions or criteria. The criteria/questions may be provided by the teacher or developed by the
- students. Example criteria include:
- Effectiveness—Does it work?
- Reliability—Does it work every time?
- Durability—Does it stand up to repeated use?
- Effort—Is it easy to construct? Is it easy to use?
- Safety—Are there any risks of hurting oneself in making it or using it?
- Use of materials—Can it be made cheaply with available materials? Does it use recycled materials, and can the materials be used again?
- Effect on environments
- Benefit to society
- Identify new applications for the design or problem solution
General Learning Objective
5–4 Demonstrate positive attitudes for the study of science and for the application of science in responsible ways.
Specific Learning Objectives
Students will show growth in acquiring and applying the following traits:
- Curiosity
- Confidence in personal ability to learn and develop problem-solving skills
- Flexibility in considering new ideas
- A willingness to work with others in shared activities and in sharing of experiences
- Appreciation of the benefits gained from shared effort and cooperation
- Respect for living things and environments, and commitment for their care.
Topic B: Mechanisms Using Electricity
General Learning Objective
5–6 Construct simple circuits, and apply an understanding of circuits to the construction and control of motorized devices.
Specific Learning Objectives
1. Identify example applications of electrical devices in the school and home environment, and classify the kinds of uses. Categories of electrical use may include such things as: heating, lighting, communicating, moving, computing.
5. Design and construct vehicles or other devices that use a battery-powered electric motor to produce motion; e.g., model cars, hoists, fans.